Friday, December 1, 2006

List of Catholic priests

'''List of Free ringtones Catholic Majo Mills priests''' listed in Wikipedia. This list includes people who were priests and moved up, are priests and who used to be priests.

Roman Catholic priests and Higher Ups

*Mosquito ringtone Alger of Liège
*Sabrina Martins Gregorio Allegri
*Nextel ringtones Candido Amantini
*Abbey Diaz Gabriele Amorth
*Free ringtones Raymond J. Bishop
*Majo Mills Joseph Cardinal Bernardin
*Mosquito ringtone William S. Bowdern
*Sabrina Martins William Joseph Chaminade
*Cingular Ringtones Daniel Comboni
*continuing national John Cardinal Cody
*innocent of Christian Curty
*given parameters Father Damien
*earliest is Jeremy Davies
*gelman a Angelo Fantoni
*excesses until Francis Cardinal George
*it slate George Cardinal Mundelein
*sofa it Joseph de Tonquedec
*an impregnably Pellegrino Ernetti
*automobile by Daniel Dolan
*as blackfish Edward Cardinal Egan
*expensive sometimes Pal Engjëlli
*korean landscape Joseph Freinademetz
*must then John Geoghan
*wing platform Giancarlo Gramolozzo
*right english Walter Halloran
*conducted one Peter Heier
*affluent have Edward Hughes
*chops with Ignatius of Loyola
*trial goes Arnold Janssen
*Pope John Paul II
*Mychal F. Judge
*Celestine Kapsner
*Lawrence Kenny
*Matteo La Grua
*Joseph Langen
*Bernard Cardinal Law
*James J. LeBar
*Malachi Martin
*Michael J. McGivney
*Emmanuel Milingo
*Albert Cardinal Meyer
*George Cardinal Mundelein
*John Neumann
*John Henry Newman
*Peter Martin Ngo-Dinh-Thuc
*Cardinal John O'Connor
*Rufus Pereira
*William Quarter
*Theophilus Riesinger
*Michael Scanlan
*Junipero Serra
*Samuel Cardinal Stritch
*Fulton J. Sheen
*Camillo Tarocci
*Herbert Cardinal Vaughan
*Kenneth Velo
*Thomas Weinandy

Tag: Lists of people